Whether for yourself or a family member, it is usually quicker to talk with our friendly staff, so please call us: Monday to Friday, 8am—4pm on 4355 4588.
Our service promise
Whether you need to be at an appointment, catch up with friends, or somewhere else, call us to discuss your transport needs. With your eligibility confirmed, we will look to match our capabilities and costs to your requirements.
You can find us here
Please contact our General Manager with your queries via email: [email protected] Or by post to: PO Box 698, Turramurra NSW 2074.
We operate from Unit 1, 6 Hereford Street, Berkeley Vale 2261 and you can talk to us on 4355 4588.
Central Coast Community Transport (est. 2024) is currently funded through the Federal and state governments as part of the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP).
The project is incorporated as an association and is managed by a voluntary board, drawn from a diverse section of the community. CHSP funds wages and on-costs while NSW Health provides a small amount of funding for health related transport.
Central Coast Community Transport is a not-for-profit organisation. Any surplus (when it exists) is put towards improving our services. Passengers’ contributions are used against fleet costs.
Prices shown on this website are for CHSP/NDIS-eligible customers.
Unsubsidised transport: Even if you are ineligible for transport under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) or the National Disability Scheme (NDIS), we may still be able to help.
Please call us: 4355 4588.
Whistleblower Protection
CCCT is committed to a culture of legal, ethical and moral behaviour and exemplary corporate governance and recognises the value of transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices. CCCT supports the reporting of improper or illegal conduct, and encourages and will support disclosure.
Those who make a report can do so confidentially and without fear of intimidation, disadvantage or reprisal. A report can be made to:
a) The Human Resources Advisor (acting also as the Whistleblower Protection Officer)
Central Coast Community Transport is owned by Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community Aged/Disabled Transport Service Inc. (ABN 93 115 497 208) is an authorised Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) transport-provider, we are a recipient of Commonwealth funding, as administered by Transport for NSW.
HKCT is a fit for purpose, incorporated association with DGR status for donations over $2 (CFN26036).
Board’s Role
The Board of Directors of the Association is responsible for governing the organisation and acting in CCCT and its members best interests.